s Gardening in Small Spaces ($50 Home Depot Giveaway!) - The Kim Six Fix
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Gardening in Small Spaces ($50 Home Depot Giveaway!)

I have written about this topic in the past: The pros and cons of having a teenie-tiny backyard space.

Our backyard is less than 600 square feet total, and when you are dealing with such a compact area, your choice of plants, and how you plant them becomes really important.

Last summer this is what the entire backyard space looked like:
 The previous owner had an obsession with hybrid roses. 


This year I pulled out quite a few overgrown leggy plants and replaced them with new ones.
I extended out the raised bed and stone retaining wall and replaced the huge lacecap hydrangea with a smaller mophead variety.  In order to give us a little more privacy, I added a Crepe Myrtle and an Oleander (which I am training to grow into a "tree" instead of shrub) along the fence line between us and the neighbor.

There was one part of the yard that I had trouble dealing with.

Under our citrus tree, the manifold for our irrigation system makes it impossible to plant anything in the ground.
What I really need is to plant something above it: The only solution is to grow up instead of out

This is where the Pennington Vertical Gardening System is going to save me. Because you plant on a vertical surface, it allows me to have a garden in a tiny, otherwise un-plantable space.   And even though I think my yard is tiny,  there are people in apartments and condominums with even less outdoor space than me! The Pennington System would be perfect for them.


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