s Mini-Chalkboard School Valentines (Free Printable) - The Kim Six Fix

Mini-Chalkboard School Valentines (Free Printable)

Chalk and chalkboard printable valentine
Adorable chalk and chalkboard school valentines.. "Chalk full of Love" and "Boom CHALK-a-laka"  Inexpensive, easy to make and she includes the free printable template!
Yay! It is almost school valentine time again! And you know how much I love homemade valentines. (If you don't know that.. check out this post).

Anyhow.. this year I wanted to do something trendy and unique.. something I had seen floating around a lot (which is hard to find.. trendy usually means lots of knock offs) but I think I am on to something.

CHALK and CHALKBOARD SCHOOL VALENTINES!  (Commence delighted squealing!)

Boom Chalk a laka valentine
And to make it even more twee... I actually used the lyrics to a pop song as the little poem.
Chalkboard printable valentines
Once again, the only parameters were that they had to be CHEAP (these cost less than 30 cents each) and they had to be gender-neutral.. since I needed to make 35 of them for both boys and girls.
Hope your valentines day is chalk full of loveSo how did I make them so cheap?

Well.. I made my own chalkboards.   I used these little wooden cuttouts which were only 29 cents each (and the pack of chalk was only $1)
Chalkboards from wood cutouts


Miniature wooden blanks (I got mine at Michaels, but you can buy bags of 100 on Amazon for under $20 in all sorts of shapes) That makes them 20 cents each.
Chalkboard paint 
Chalk (I broke each piece in half so I only needed one box)
Cardstock or Paper
Mounting Foam or Double Stick Tape
Glue Sticks
Baker's Twine or Yarn
Large eye sewing needle
Paper cutter (this is the trimmer I use) or scissors

Step 1: 
The kids and I painted all the little boards with two coats of chalk paint.  The store didn't have enough of any single shape, so I ended up with ovals, rectangles and little scalloped edge rectangles.
Painting mini chalkboards
Step 2: 
I designed and printed out these two versions of the card on white paper. (You could also use cardstock.)  I am making these printables available for PERSONAL USE ONLY (do not distribute, sell or modify the file).  Just enter your email address below.

Valentine Printable Watermarked

Step 3:
I used my paper cutter to cut them apart. (Yes, I could have made these print and cut files for my silhouette but I was too lazy #KeepingItReal)
Printable chalkboard valentines
I also cut out a second color (in this case red) to use at the backing and to reinforce the card.

Step 4:
I attached the little wooden chalkboards to the card using foam mounting tape.  This way they will pull off relatively easily if the kids want to use them.
Adding chalkboard to valentineI made sure to attach the chalkboard off to one side so I had room to add a piece of chalk. Mini chalkboard valentines
Step 5:
To attach the chalk (which was really only half a piece of chalk) I used a large needle to poke a hole down and back up through the card to run the bakers twine (if I had used two layers of cardstock this would be really hard to do, so in this case, using the thinner paper had an advantage.)
Chalk valentineI then tied the chalk right to the card and trimmed the end of the string. Chalk and chalkboard valentineStep 6:
The final touch was adding a little drawing to the chalkboard.  I tried it both with actual chalk and with chalk markers.. Both were cute, it just depends on the look you are going for.
Chalk school valentineIf you wanted to, you could add a personal message, or the recipient's name or even "from: your name" on the chalkboard.  (My daughter just signed the back of the cards.)Chalk school valentine printableIt took us a little more than 2 hours to make 35 Valentines. (Not including waiting for the paint to dry.)  Chalkboard school valentines

It was totally worth it.. I think we nailed it.. BOOM Shaka-laka!

Not a Chalkboard fan? 
 Check out my 10 most popular school Valentines! 
Top 10 School Valentine Ideas

100 FREE Printable School Valentines

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